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Picture this: you’re standing on the shore, the warm sun casting a golden glow on the sparkling waters. The gentle breeze whispers through the air, carrying with it the promise of an exhilarating day ahead. As you prepare your fishing gear, you can’t help but feel the thrill building up inside you. Today, you’re not just going fishing – you’re on a quest to catch the powerful and elusive trevally.

Trevally fishing has captured the hearts and imaginations of anglers around the world. These cunning and formidable fish provide an unforgettable experience, testing your skills and resolve as you pursue them in their natural habitat. If you’re ready to embark on this exciting adventure, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this ultimate guide, we will dive deep into the world of trevally fishing, equipping you with the knowledge and techniques to become a successful angler. From understanding their habitat and diet to exploring different trevally species and effective fishing methods, we’ve got you covered.

So, get ready to cast your line and experience the thrill of a lifetime. Let’s embark on this incredible journey together, as we unravel the secrets of trevally fishing and unlock the door to a world of adventure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the habitat and diet of trevally
  • Explore different trevally species
  • Learn effective fishing methods for trevally
  • Unravel the secrets to successful trevally angling
  • Embrace the thrill and challenge of targeting trevally

Understanding Giant Trevally Fishing

When it comes to trevally fishing, one species that stands out above the rest is the majestic Giant Trevally. These powerful creatures are a favorite among anglers seeking an adrenaline rush and the challenge of reeling in a true fighting machine.

Whether you prefer traditional tackle or the art of fly fishing, the thrill of catching a Giant Trevally is unmatched. But to conquer these beasts of the deep, you must first understand their behavior and master the proper techniques.

Let’s dive into the captivating world of Giant Trevally fishing and explore different methods that will put you on the path to success. From saltwater fly fishing to selecting the perfect fly fishing tackle, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need for a memorable catch.

Mental Attitude and Realistic Expectations for Giant Trevally Fishing

When it comes to fishing for Giant Trevally, your mental attitude plays a crucial role in your success. It’s not just about the technique or the gear; it’s about having the right mindset to tackle these powerful fish. So, before you head out to catch the behemoth that is Giant Trevally, let’s talk about the mental game and setting realistic expectations.

Your mental attitude can make or break your fishing experience. Imagine this: You’re on a beautiful tropical island, the sun is shining, and you’re ready to land that catch of a lifetime. You cast your fly, the line dances through the air, and the water explodes as a Giant Trevally smashes your fly. This is what dreams are made of, right? But it’s important to remember that catching Giant Trevally on fly is no walk in the park.

Remember, fly fishing for Giant Trevally is not a numbers game; it’s a test of skill and patience. Expecting to catch dozens of them in a day might leave you disappointed. Instead, focus on the thrill and challenge of hooking into a single trophy-sized Giant Trevally. Catching even one on fly is an accomplishment in itself.

Setting realistic expectations is key. While it’s true that Giant Trevally are known for their powerful runs and aggressive behavior, they can also be incredibly elusive. They are cunning predators that have learned to distinguish between real food and artificial lures. So, don’t get discouraged if you don’t catch a Giant Trevally on your first try. Instead, see it as an opportunity to learn and improve your skills.

So, how can you set realistic expectations for your Giant Trevally fishing adventure? First, decide whether your primary focus is solely on catching Giant Trevally or if you’re open to targeting a variety of species. This will help manage your expectations and reduce any disappointment if you don’t hook into a Giant Trevally right away.

Second, embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey. Fishing for Giant Trevally on fly is not just about catching the fish; it’s about the entire experience. The anticipation, the adrenaline rush, and the thrill of the chase are what make these fish so enticing. So, approach each cast with excitement and be prepared for the unexpected.

Remember, the mental game is just as important as the physical techniques and gear. Stay positive, stay focused, and keep honing your skills. With the right mental attitude and realistic expectations, you’ll be better prepared to catch the Giant Trevally of your dreams.

Key Points for Maintaining the Right Mental Attitude

Key PointsDescription
Stay positiveApproach each cast with optimism and a belief that you can hook into a Giant Trevally.
Manage expectationsUnderstand that landing a Giant Trevally on fly is a challenge and focus on the thrill and the process rather than the numbers.
Embrace the journeyEnjoy the entire experience, from the anticipation to the fight, and appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.
Learn from each experienceUse each fishing trip as an opportunity to grow and improve your skills, regardless of the outcome.

Tackle for Catching Giant Trevally

When it comes to targeting Giant Trevally, having the right tackle can make all the difference between a successful catch and a missed opportunity. These powerful fish require robust gear that can handle their strength and size. Here’s the essential tackle you need to effectively tackle Giant Trevally.

Fly Rods and Reels

Utilizing a 12# fly rod is recommended for targeting Giant Trevally. This rod weight provides the necessary backbone to handle the fight and power of these impressive fish. Pair your fly rod with a large arbour saltwater reel to ensure smooth line retrieval and ample backing capacity.

Fly Line and Leader Setup

Load your reel with 80lb braid backing to provide sufficient strength and prevent line breakage during intense battles with Giant Trevally. For the fly line, use a tropical fly line specifically designed for targeting these fish. This specialized fly line is built to withstand harsh saltwater conditions and deliver accurate casts.

Tackle Checklist:

  • 12# fly rod
  • Large arbour saltwater reel
  • 80lb braid backing
  • Tropical fly line
Tip: When choosing your tackle, opt for quality brands such as Sage, Orvis, and Shimano. Investing in reliable equipment will give you the confidence to tackle giant trevally with ease.

With the right tackle in your arsenal, you’ll be ready to take on the challenge of catching Giant Trevally. Remember, these fish are known for their power and acrobatics, so make sure your gear can handle the fight. Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll explore the best tides and moon phases for targeting these impressive fish.

Best Tides and Moon Phases for Giant Trevally Fishing

Understanding the best tides and moon phases is essential for a successful Giant Trevally fishing expedition. An incoming tide is a golden opportunity as it brings in cool freshwater, attracting baitfish and enticing the giant GT’s. Keep an eye out for those prime tidal movements that coincide with the best times to reel in your prized catch.

Of course, moon phases play a significant role in the feeding patterns of Giant Trevally. Specifically, spring tides during a new moon or full moon create larger tides that provide optimal conditions for hunting. This means better access for Giant Trevally to stalk their prey, resulting in more active feeding behavior.

Let’s take a closer look at the impact of tides and moon phases on your Giant Trevally fishing experience.

Tidal Movements and Their Significance

Giant Trevally are known to be particularly active during incoming tides. As the tide pushes in, it brings cool freshwater into the fishing area, attracting baitfish that the GT’s feed on. This influx of baitfish creates an enticing feeding opportunity for the Giant Trevally, increasing your chances of a successful catch.

Pro Tip: An incoming tide is your window of opportunity. If you time your fishing expedition to coincide with the rising tide, you’ll have a higher likelihood of encountering hungry Giant Trevally on the hunt.

Spring Tides and Their Hunting Advantages

During a new moon or full moon, spring tides occur, resulting in larger tidal movements. These amplified tides provide enhanced access for Giant Trevally as they search for food. With more water to explore, the GT’s can venture into shallow areas and target baitfish that are pushed closer to shore by the powerful currents.

When planning your fishing trip, it’s worth considering the moon phases and the potential for spring tides. These periods offer optimal conditions for Giant Trevally to ambush their prey, meaning more active feeding behavior and greater opportunities for you to hook a monster GT.

Tides and Moon Phases at a Glance

TidesMoon Phases
Incoming tideNew moon
Spring tideFull moon

best tides for GT's

Techniques and Lures for Giant Trevally Fishing

When it comes to Giant Trevally fishing, employing the right techniques and lures can make all the difference in hooking these aggressive fish. Two popular choices are poppers and stickbaits, known for enticing the attention of these formidable creatures. By mastering the art of casting, varying retrieve speed, and incorporating pause techniques, you can significantly enhance your chances of a successful catch.

Remember, the key to enticing a Giant Trevally lies in your ability to elicit a reaction. Mimicking the movements of wounded baitfish or creating commotion on the water’s surface will grab their attention and trigger their predatory instincts. Stay one step ahead and make your lure irresistible!

To help you navigate the world of techniques and lures for Giant Trevally fishing, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of strategies:

1. Poppers:

  • Create a commotion: Poppers are designed to emulate the sound and movement of baitfish struggling on the water’s surface. Use quick, sharp rod movements to create a popping noise, imitating the actions of distressed prey.
  • Pause for success: After a vigorous pop, let the popper sit still for a few seconds. This pause can entice the Giant Trevally to strike, believing that the prey is vulnerable and easy to catch.
  • Choose the right size: Opt for larger-sized poppers to grab the attention of Giant Trevally. These predatory fish are known to be attracted to larger meals, so make your offering irresistible.

2. Stickbaits:

  • Match the hatch: Select stickbaits that closely resemble the baitfish prevalent in your fishing location. Look for colors, patterns, and shapes that mimic the local prey, making your lure appear natural and enticing.
  • Long sweeps, great rewards: Cast your stickbait out, and with long sweeps of the rod, impart an erratic action to mimic an injured fish. Varying the speed of your retrieves can also help emulate a struggling prey.
  • Experiment with depths: Depending on the water conditions and the depth at which the Giant Trevally are feeding, adjust your sinking stickbait’s weight and retrieve speed accordingly. Remember to keep altering your technique until you find the winning formula.

Now that you have a solid understanding of the techniques and lures used in Giant Trevally fishing, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. Remember, practice makes perfect, so get out there and enjoy the thrill of landing these remarkable fish!

PoppersCreate commotion on the water’s surface to attract the attention of Giant Trevally by imitating wounded baitfish.
StickbaitsSelect stickbaits that closely resemble the local prey and use long sweeps of the rod to mimic an injured fish.

Locations for Giant Trevally Fishing

When it comes to Giant Trevally fishing, location is key. Knowing where to cast your line can make all the difference in landing that trophy catch. Here, we’ll highlight some of the top locations for Giant Trevally fishing.

1. North Wall

Located off the coast of Hawaii, the North Wall is a prime spot for targeting Giant Trevally. This underwater structure provides ample hiding spots for these predatory fish, making it an ideal location to find them. The North Wall is known for its strong currents, so be prepared for a thrilling battle when hooked onto a Giant Trevally here.

2. South Wall

If you’re in search of Giant Trevally, look no further than the South Wall. Situated in the Seychelles, this spot is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and abundant fish population. The South Wall offers a mix of shallow flats and deeper drop-offs, creating the perfect hunting ground for Giant Trevally. Prepare yourself for heart-stopping surface strikes in this angler’s paradise.

3. Pipeline

No list of top Giant Trevally locations would be complete without mentioning Pipeline. Located in Oahu, Hawaii, this surf break is famous for its monster waves and equally impressive fish. The strong currents and crashing waves create a feeding frenzy for Giant Trevally. Cast your lure into the chaos and hold on tight as you battle to reel in these prized sportfish.

Remember, these are just a few of the many incredible locations where you can find Giant Trevally. Each spot offers its own unique challenges and rewards, so be sure to do your research and plan accordingly. Good luck!

GT fishing locations
LocationCountryKey Features
North WallUSA (Hawaii)Strong currents, underwater structure
South WallSeychellesCrystal-clear waters, shallow flats, deeper drop-offs
PipelineUSA (Hawaii)Monster waves, strong currents, crashing surf

Catching Giant Trevally on Topwater

Giant Trevally are known for their surface feeding frenzy when large schools of baitfish are present. There’s nothing more exhilarating than witnessing the explosive surface strikes of these powerful fish. To take advantage of this action-packed fishing experience, you’ll need to equip yourself with the right topwater lures and techniques.

Topwater lures such as poppers and stickbaits are highly effective in enticing Giant Trevally to strike. The splashing and commotion created by these lures mimic the behavior of distressed baitfish, triggering an aggressive response from the Trevally.

When selecting your lure, opt for colors that resemble the local baitfish species. This will increase the chances of fooling the Trevally into thinking that your lure is a real, easy meal. Additionally, choose lures that are capable of making a significant amount of noise and creating a commotion on the surface.

Retrieval technique plays a crucial role in provoking strikes from Giant Trevally. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and patterns to find what works best on the given day. Some anglers find success with a fast and erratic retrieve, resembling a frantic baitfish. Others prefer a steady retrieve with occasional pauses, imitating a weakened or injured prey.

Baitfish schools are scattered across the water’s surface as the Trevally chase their next meal. You cast your popper right in the midst of the action, eagerly awaiting the explosive strike. With a quick twitch of your rod tip, the popper creates a loud splash, attracting the attention of the Trevally. Suddenly, the water erupts, and your line goes tight as the Trevally engulfs the lure in a ferocious surface strike. The battle begins, and you feel the raw power of the Giant Trevally as it fights to free itself. It’s an adrenaline-filled moment that you won’t soon forget!

Discover the thrill and effectiveness of catching Giant Trevally on topwater, turning surface strikes into unforgettable memories!

Lure TypeDescription
PoppersDesigned to create a loud splash and commotion on the surface, imitating a distressed baitfish.
StickbaitsLong and slender lures that can be worked at the surface or subsurface, mimicking injured or fleeing baitfish.


In conclusion, trevally fishing offers an exhilarating adventure for avid anglers like you. By gaining a deep understanding of trevally behavior, their preferred habitat, and feeding patterns, you can significantly improve your chances of a successful catch. This ultimate guide has provided comprehensive trevally fishing tips and techniques to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Whether you are targeting the mighty Giant Trevally or other trevally species, this guide serves as your go-to resource for all your trevally fishing adventures. From selecting the right tackle to mastering effective techniques, you have all the tools at your disposal to make your fishing trips truly unforgettable.

So, get ready to conquer the waters and create lasting memories. Armed with this ultimate guide, you can confidently navigate trevally fishing with finesse. Remember to embrace the thrills, enjoy the challenges, and savor every moment spent on the water. The world of trevally fishing awaits you. Tight lines and happy fishing!


What is trevally fishing?

Trevally fishing refers to the sport of angling for trevally fish, which are known for their power and fighting ability.

What are the different types of trevally?

There are several species of trevally, including Giant Trevally, Bluefin Trevally, Golden Trevally, and Diamond Trevally.

What is the habitat of trevally?

Trevally are primarily found in warm coastal waters, reefs, estuaries, and lagoons.

What do trevally eat?

Trevally have a diverse diet that includes smaller fish, crustaceans, and squid.

What is Giant Trevally fishing?

Giant Trevally fishing specifically targets the species known as Giant Trevally, which are highly sought after for their size and strength.

What is saltwater fly fishing for Giant Trevally?

Saltwater fly fishing for Giant Trevally involves using fly fishing tackle and techniques to catch these powerful fish in saltwater environments.

What tackle is recommended for catching Giant Trevally?

Recommended tackle for catching Giant Trevally includes 12# fly rods, large arbour saltwater reels, 80lb braid, and tropical fly lines designed for handling the size and power of these fish.

What are the best tides and moon phases for Giant Trevally fishing?

Generally, incoming tides and spring tides that occur during a new or full moon are considered favorable for Giant Trevally fishing.

What techniques and lures can be used for Giant Trevally fishing?

Techniques such as using poppers and stickbaits and employing varied retrieval speeds and pause techniques can be effective. Topwater lures are particularly exciting for surface strikes.

Where are the best locations for Giant Trevally fishing?

Known hotspots for Giant Trevally fishing include the North Wall, South Wall, and Pipeline, each with their own unique characteristics and feeding patterns.

How can I catch Giant Trevally on topwater?

Utilizing topwater lures such as poppers and stickbaits when Giant Trevally are surface feeding can trigger explosive strikes. Choosing the right lures and employing proper retrieval techniques are essential.

What is the conclusion of the ultimate guide to trevally fishing tips?

The conclusion of this guide provides a comprehensive resource for anglers seeking tips and techniques for trevally fishing, offering information on habitat, species, tackle, tides, techniques, locations, and more.

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By Guy Wann

About the Author: Guy Wann's lifelong enthusiasm for fishing traces back to his childhood when he and his friend Jeff Hass embarked on youthful fishing adventures, laying the groundwork for a lifelong passion. Together, they established a fishermen's club, a cornerstone in their lives, reflecting their dedication to the sport. In addition to his love for fishing, Guy is a talented artist, channeling his experiences and emotions into his paintings. His fishing quests have led him to diverse destinations worldwide, from the vibrant canals of Amsterdam to the serene Gulf of Thailand, the lush Philippine islands, the rich Mexican waters, and the picturesque Florida Keys. Born and raised in Ojai, California, Guy has honed his fishing skills in local waters before expanding his horizons globally. Now, alongside Jeff, Guy pours his passion into the "Take Me Fishing Travel" blog, documenting their fishing expeditions and the unique destinations they uncover. The blog not only chronicles their adventures across Amsterdam, the Gulf of Thailand, the Philippines, Mexico, and the Florida Keys but also serves as a platform for their future aspirations. It stands as a tribute to their enduring friendship and shared love for fishing, highlighting Guy's journey from a young enthusiast in Ojai to a worldly fisherman and artist.

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